Friday, January 19, 2018

And, one more thing!

We enjoyed a fun presentation on soybeans today!  For ClassDojo points, students can bring in a product label that lists soybeans, soy oil, or lecithin (made from soy oil).  Or, they can email me a picture of a product label.  This is just for fun, but I think you'll be amazed at how many products you can find!  Please send labels or photos by Monday so that we can share them in class.

Concordia Academy Music

Check out Mrs. DeBoer's music class blog:  She is currently featuring the 4th graders!

Newsletter for January 22-26

This is the time of year for various "bees".  We've already had fourth graders represent our school in the History Bee and Geography Bee here at our school.  Yesterday and today, we did written and oral spelling to select class representatives for the Spelling Bee!  This year, Reagan and Faith will be our spellers with Kyra as an alternate.  It is always challenging to narrow down to just a few students in these competitions!  I am proud of the great sportsmanship, encouragement, and support our class has demonstrated, and I am thankful for all the wonderful gifts and talents God gives to each one of us!