Sunday, April 22, 2018

Week of April 23-27


I was extremely blessed to be able to attend the Nebraska Educational Technology Association (NETA) conference this past Thursday and Friday.  Wow!  I learned so much and can't wait to share with our class.

I did not post a newsletter for this coming week.  Due to preparations for the spring musical (this Thursday, April 26, at 7:00pm) and Field Day (Friday, April 27), we will not have a spelling test or memory work.  We will do some spelling and memory things during the school day, but students will not need to study at home for a spelling test or to recite memory.

I hope you all are having a wonderful weekend!
Mrs. Senechal

Friday, April 6, 2018

Newsletter for April 9-13

Lincoln Field Trip Photos

We had a wonderful time in Lincoln - even though it was cold and snowy in April!  Your children were kind, polite, and well-behaved - all the guidance you give them at home really shows.  It was fun to see them get excited about things we have studied as well as all the new things they learned.  I hope they tell you all about our day!