Thursday, December 20, 2018

Merry Christmas!

We are looking forward to our Christmas Party this afternoon and Polar Express Day tomorrow!  And, of course, everyone is excited for our Christmas Break and all the fun with family and friends.  We have talked in class about the challenge of keeping Jesus our focus during the busyness of this time of year.  I pray that all of you experience the Joy of Jesus as you celebrate His birth on Christmas.

*Students will bring home their "Monday Envelopes" today - there are some graded papers that make more sense for you to see now rather than in a couple weeks!

*I will post a newsletter a few days before we return to school on January 7.  We will have spelling words and memory work that week.  However, we will be learning our third quarter spelling homework options in class, so students will not have a weekly homework assignment to complete on their own.

Blessings on your Christmas!  See you in 2019!

Friday, December 7, 2018

More Photos!

Enjoy the following pictures from our "Thanksgiving Breakout" activity, playing in the snow, and Hour of Code!